Pupil Dilation

By Mark Bertrang, The Creator of the Financialoscopy® on Thursday, August 24th 2023


I recently had an appointment with my eye doctor, just an annual exam, and I had to wear sunglasses afterward because my eyes were fully dilated. If you can see my eyes below, they looked a little bit strange because the irises were so wide open.

The kind of work that we do here at the Financialoscopy office is the dilation of your financial plans. Oftentimes, people are nervous, concerned, and maybe private regarding their money and the financial decisions that they’ve made so far. It’s important to get together with someone who is an expert, every year and allow them to put drops in your financial eyes, and “dilate your pupils” to examine what is going on inside.

I have to do this procedure every year. You may have to as well if you already wear glasses or if you are over the age of 40. Eye care is one of those things you want to make certain to take care of because we want to keep our eyesight. Can you imagine what life would be like without eyesight? Macular degeneration is common in my family. My mother’s mother had it during a time when really nothing could be done about it. My mother has it at the age of 88. My father has it at the age of 90. My parents now have to go see their eye doctor every 4-6 weeks and get injections put into their eyes to prevent any further deterioration of their eyesight. Just to maintain what they still have.

The same applies to your financial life. If it’s not checked regularly, it could deteriorate and you wouldn’t even realize it’s happening. This is why eye care is analogous to financial care. People often think that they are ready to retire with their 401K plan, or they’re already retired and think that they’ll play it by ear. They think that because they read some material(s) on how to manage their finances that they can wing it themselves. Really, would you really be your own eye doctor? Would you be your own healthcare provider? I think not. This is too important; just like having your eyes dilated at your annual exam; you need to dilate in on your financial life. 

If you are not meeting with an advisor regularly and making sure that you are in good financial health, you might not realize what options you have to prevent obstacles and potential financial blindness along the way. So, keep your eyes wide open. Have them dilated regularly so someone can really see what’s going on.

If you don’t have someone that you’re working with, I invite you to engage the Financialoscopy team. We will do the dilation process to help you achieve financial health and wellness. Perhaps it's time to schedule your Financialoscopy®.


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