Longevity & Shortgevity

By Mark Bertrang, The Creator of the Financialoscopy® on Thursday, January 23rd 2025


Longevity vs. Shortgevity: Finding Balance in Life and Planning

Longevity is the study of how long we will live. Unfortunately, many people operate as though they’ll live forever. When you’re in your 20s, 30s, 40s, or even 50s, it’s difficult to truly grasp the idea that life has an endpoint—even though you see it around you all the time. You see it with grandparents, and possibly with parents. But you? The thought of having a shorter life doesn’t seem real. After all, it’s right there in the word itself: long-gevity.

But today, let’s consider a different concept: short-gevity.

What is Shortgevity?

Shortgevity is a made-up word, but it’s a concept that I hope will resonate with you. It reminds us of this critical truth: Don’t wait to do things.

I often talk to people who dream of traveling—exploring Europe, visiting Costa Rica, experiencing New Zealand or Australia, or discovering Asia. Yet, they keep postponing these trips, saying, “Someday, we’ll go.”

Having traveled to Europe several times myself, I always remind people that Europe is not the United States. Accessibility can be a challenge. Cobblestone streets are charming but difficult to navigate. Many restrooms in restaurants require climbing two flights of stairs—up or down. During these trips, I’ve often said to my spouse, “I don’t know how someone with a disability could manage this.”

This is why I tell people: Go while your body is working. Go when your hips, knees, and ankles are still strong, and when you’re not easily out of breath. If you wait too long, the decision might no longer be yours to make. Instead, you’ll find yourself saying, “Let’s not do it at all.” A lifelong dream could become just that—a dream.

Living in the Moment

The concept of shortgevity doesn’t just apply to travel. It applies to how we give and share as well. Consider supporting the organizations you’re passionate about while you’re still here to see the impact of your generosity. If you’re financially able, think about helping your children or grandchildren now.

Could you help a child purchase their first home? Could you support a grandchild’s post-secondary education? Think back to your own life. Wouldn’t it have been easier if someone had helped you along the way?

Balancing Longevity and Shortgevity

Here’s the truth: life may be shorter than we expect. While we hope for longevity, we must also plan for the possibility of shortgevity. It’s a delicate balance—ensuring you have enough money to support you throughout your life without leaving behind an unnecessary surplus.

I’ve attended many funerals, and I’ve noticed one universal truth: when the hearse drives to the graveyard, it’s never followed by a U-Haul trailer. You can’t take it with you.

So, ask yourself:

  • What’s your plan if you live longer than expected?
  • What’s your plan if your life ends sooner than anticipated?

Finding the Sweet Spot

Living in the sweet spot means finding balance—keeping what you need while sharing what you can. It requires thoughtful planning to ensure you don’t run out of money before you run out of life or leave behind resources that were never used.

You can start by reviewing tools like Social Security estimates or considering your personal health and lifestyle. But the real work begins with an honest conversation about your goals, your fears, and your priorities.

If you haven’t yet taken the time to have these discussions, maybe it’s time for your Financialoscopy.


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