Personal Responsibility

By Mark Bertrang, The Creator of the Financialoscopy® on Thursday, January 12th 2023


What do you do, and how do you act when no one is watching? As I write this blog, it is the very first day back here at the office after a long holiday of enjoying Christmas. Each one of our team members was able to spend extra time with their family over the holidays. Since this is the first day back and there is a lot of extra work to be done. One item was to get all of our bookkeeping for our corporate taxes to our accountant to be filed as quickly as possible.

While driving back from my accountant’s office this morning, I was behind a truck that had a 800 number on its tailgate which asked “How is my driving?” Unfortunately, their driving was quite poor. The driver often changed lanes and then used their blinker. I actually wanted to call that 800 number and let them know that their drive was rather aggressive on the road, but I had an impossible task of ‘legally’ catching up to get a license plate number and to read the phone number in order to make that call.

This causes me to think about individual responsibility. Had I called and asked someone talk to the driver about his aggressive driving, it probably wouldn’t have made much difference. It really gets down to who you are and the decisions that you make in life. Today, I scheduled myself to give blood. This is something that I try to do 3-to-4 times each year. It’s something that I feel I can do un-selfishly because all you receive afterwards is a cookie. It’s really something that I'm doing for someone else; someone I don’t even know. Here’s the deal, I want to hopefully inspire you to do something for someone else and do it without them knowing that you are even doing it. Like my example of that aggressive driver: driving is something that you decide to do well mostly for yourself. Each one of us doesn’t have an 800 number that somebody can call and say, “You are not doing this correctly. You are not doing that correctly. You are not doing these things for your fellow man, etc.” So, whether it’s a nonprofit organization, whether it’s your church, or whether it’s giving blood, what are you doing this year for someone else?

That says more about you and the type of person you are. What I have found during my life is that the more I give, automatically, the more I receive. Though that is not the reason that I do it or what should motivate you. I do it because of the feeling that I get inside: here in my heart. The key is to do something for someone else this year, this month, or this day, and to do it in such a way that no one else is watching. What are you doing for others today? If you are the type of person who has that same mindset, then you and I and our team are a perfect fit, and in 2023 perhaps it’s time for you to schedule your Financialoscopy®.

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