Are you embracing the power of Thankfulness?
Content Tagged: Life Lessons
Rational or Rationalizing
Are you a rational person or are you a rationalizing person?
Are you a Solid or a Liquid?
Do you adapt and adjust to life or are you ‘set’ in stone?
Does your Financial Plan have Cataracts?
You may be surprised to know that we test you for things you’re not even thinking about today.
Bill Audits
YIKES! Don’t assume the numbers are always correct. You wouldn’t want this surprise.
The Power of Trade-Offs: A Reflection on Choices and Impact
Trade-offs. Would you like to know ours?
Trade-Offs, Your Biggest Asset
Are you worth less than your car? Ouch! Let’s do the math.
The Death Trade-Off
Do you win by having a boatload of money at death or by dying penniless?
Making Money vs Trading an Asset
Are you working hard or working smart?
What is your Plan B?
You are your greatest asset. Your health is paramount to that asset. If that asset for you or your spouse is lost or diminishes, what is your Plan B?
Are you “Health” prepared?
How are you preparing for yourself and for your spouse?
Garbage In, Garbage Out
Yes, you are what you ‘eat’; but you are also what you ‘think’.
Your Song of Significance
A generation from now, will someone remember your Song of Significance?
Let’s build your Accountability Successes
To build your successes, you first need to be accountable to yourself; are you?
Expiration Dates
Yeah, money is important; but what about “life” time?
Peer Pressure
We all want to be in the cool group of kids, right?
Automobile Insurance
How does your auto insurance affect your financial life?
Homeowner’s Insurance
How does your homeowner’s insurance agent factor into your overall financial life?
Introduction – The Financialoscopy Twenty-Five Cards
Money, Wealth, and Rate of Return? Is that the only thing?
The Trade-Off, Trade-Up, Trade-In or No Trade
How are car purchases made – emotions or math?
A Message for Men* (*Women too)
Life – It’s a numbers game. What are your numbers?
Giving & Receiving Gratitude
May I share a forty-year-old story of gratitude?